A place where the Bible, history, English folk, Christian folk, and pretty much all kinds of folk is discussed along with some extra thoughts on external topics that I happen to feel is fit for discussion.
Another Playford tune; although this one is more late 1600s than early-to-mid 1600s according to sources. There are however some evidences that suggest that this was written by Francis Cutting, which would alternatively date this as slightly older, going back to the late 16th century. Either way, this is one of the most calming of English tunes and seems to stand out in comparison to all the other Playford country dances. I quite like the tune to tell you truth! It's rather simple and doesn't take much effort to play, but it is a choice rendition in terms of simple tunes that can a.) impress individuals and b.) not make a complete fool of yourself in public which I tend to have a habit of doing, hahah. Packington's Pound truly is the chief English country dance for performing beginner guitarists.
This is also the tune that I set to the eighty-third psalm. It is a very basic tune and for those who wish to learn English country dances on the guitar, I highly recommend that they start with this one. This one, Rowland/My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, and Childgrove are all rather simple tunes that I think anyone could learn if they put the right amount of energy into it. Speaking of energy; I have very little as of now. I spent all night trying not to suffocate as my nose was stuffed and my throat was on fire. One of the little ones had a cold, and so I caught it, and I have had one of the worst sore throats I've ever had this entire year as a result.
Whenever I consume milk products, it tends have a rather unfortunate effect as I almost always attain a sore throat, or some kind of sinus problem as a result. Why do I mention this when I should be talking about the country dance? No idea, but it is an interesting point to make that cow milk, particularly the pasteurized kind does little benefit for the immune system and body in general. It may taste good, but it is indeed a cursed thing to those who suffer from allergies like myself. The only real remedy to this would be garlic (perhaps a point to make on another post but garlic indeed does work) as the allicin has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties to combat most common infections and sicknesses.
Most of the information I had gotten here was from Google as time is scarce, however you can look this up for yourself and see that it is true. If there is a very easily attainable sickness going around, it is best to have at least two cloves of garlic every day to ensure that you will not get sick. Make sure it is either very early in the morning or right before you go to bed as well, otherwise you shall prove to be a social nuisance as no one wants to talk to someone with garlic breath, hahah. Thanks for reading if you've really read all this rambling; God bless brethren in Christ and take care others. And stay healthy!